5 Reasons People Emotionally Abuse Others

5 Reasons People Emotionally Abuse Others

People abuse others for various reasons and if you are one of them then stop doing that now. It is common for us to be emotionally abused by someone close to us. It can be a family member, friend or a loved one. It is really difficult to control and understand our emotions, but you should try to control those emotions. It is the biggest mistake that we make while being emotional abused by others.

We are not thinking clearly and we don’t realize that what we are doing is wrong. In this post, you will read some reasons why people emotionally abuse others and how you can stop this behavior. The reasons to emotionally abuse others:

1. They love to criticize

You may have met people who love to criticize. They just love to make others feel bad about themselves. They are not satisfied with themselves and that’s why they criticize others. They love to make others feel like they don’t have any skills. There are many people who like to criticize others. You must not become a part of this group.

2. They are jealous of others

There are some people who are jealous of others. They don’t like to see anyone getting better than them and that is why they always try to put others down. They are jealous of their achievements and they hate to see their colleagues getting ahead of them.

3. They feel inferior

Some people are born with inferiority complex. They feel that they don’t have any skills and that is why they try to make others feel that they are inferior. They want to show their superior and that is why they always put others down.

4. They lack confidence

There are many people who are unable to express their emotions and that is why they feel insecure. They are afraid of expressing their emotions and that is why they try to abuse others to make them feel bad.

5. They are insecure

Being insecure is a common problem for many people. They don’t have confidence in their own abilities and that is why they try to show their superiority. They want to show their superiority and that is why they always try to put others down. If you are a victim of emotional abuse, then you need to speak up. You will get the best treatment from your family members and friends. If you are the one who is abusive, then you need to stop this behavior. You need to learn how to control your emotions.


Emotional abuse is the most common problem faced by people of all ages. If you are a victim of emotional abuse, then you need to seek professional help from a psychiatrist doctor in Bhopal.