4 Effective Ways to Control your Anger and Hate in your Life

4 Effective Ways to Control your Anger and Hate in your Life

If you are one of those people who are suffering from anger and hate and if you are wondering how to control your anger and hate in your life then here are some tips that will help you to control your anger. You might think that this is not possible, but it is possible for anyone. You just need to try these tips and then you will see the difference. Here are some effective tips to control your anger:

1. Get rid of stress

If you are stressed all the time then there is a high chance that your anger will be increased. So, you need to do things that will make you feel relaxed and stress free. One of the best ways to do that is meditation. You can listen to music while meditating; it will reduce stress and will give you peace of mind.

2. Spend more time with friends

The people who are around us and who are our friends will influence our mind and behaviour. If you have friends who are always angry and who have negative attitude towards life then your mind will get affected and you will start thinking about them. So, you need to spend more time with people who have positive attitude and who are happy.

3. Stay away from negative people

Some people will try to disturb you in every possible way, but you need to stay away from such people as they will only increase your anger and hate. If you want to control your anger then stay away from the negative people in your life.

4. Don’t compare yourself with others

There is nothing wrong in comparing ourselves with others, but you must not compare yourself with others when it comes to things that are not important. You will not be able to control your anger if you compare yourself with others.


These were some of the effective tips from a mental doctor in Bhopal that can help you to control your anger and hate in your life. Follow these tips and then you will see the difference.